The 11 Best Email List Building Tools To Increase Conversions

Without email capture software, you’re essentially letting potential connections and revenue vanish into thin air.

Each email is a gateway to a potential relationship. These are people who have shown an interest in what you’re doing. You have to use this chance to convert casual interest into committed action.

Capturing the emails of these leads lets you educate, provide value, and slowly win them over by building trust through email.

With the right email capture tool, you can capture qualified leads and start the process of converting them to customers.

This blog has listed the 11 best email capture software, analyzed their features, and weighed their pros and cons.

How An Email List Building Tool Works?

An email list building tool collects website visitors’ email addresses through popups, sign-up forms, embed forms, etc. It then uses those addresses to send them updates, newsletters, and other information via email.

The email list building software, stores, manages, and maintains the email list for better connecting with the right customers so you can effectively use it to capture sales and gain more valuable analytics about customer engagement.

Emails can be collected from customers using,

  • Sign-up forms
  • Embedded forms
  • Or physical forms collected offline(In person)

You can segment the email list based on demographics, purchase history, and other factors to send personalized emails to each segment.

Next, we’ll move to the reasons why an email list building tool is the best for building an email list and growing it.

5 Reasons Why You Should Use An Email List Building Tool

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing methods; its ROI is huge. For every 1$ spent, it gave a stunning $42 average ROI.

This kind of higher ROI is obtained only by reaching the right audience, sending emails to them at the perfect time, and using the right content.

Now, let us see the significant benefits of having an email list building tool.

1. Targeted Sign-up Forms

Targeted sign-up forms are timed to be sent to the right audience at the right time, ensuring that email IDs are collected effectively.

They can maximize the collection of email IDs, making them a better and faster way to build an email list.

2. Increases Conversion

Email list building software is built with many features that help you collect the email addresses of casual visitors.

Those features are,

  • Sign-up forms
  • Dedicated landing pages
  • Opt-in forms
  • Lead magnets
  • Offers & Incentives, etc

Each of these features can turn first-time visitors into repeat customers.

3. Easy With Automation Process

Automation is a crucial process that is connected to almost all features of an email list building software, from collecting email addresses to sending audiences the right content at the right time.

4. Better Maintenance of Lists

It collects only verified email addresses from persons and double-checks them to avoid email bouncing or spamming. If an email is found to be false or spam, it won’t be allowed to be stored in the list.

It also removes inactive users to maintain and update the lists for better engagement.

5. Segmentation & Personalization

An email list build tool helps in email list segmentation, making it simple to personalize content according to customers’ characteristics in each list.

Personalization helps deliver the right content to the right audience, which leads to conversions by prompting the customers to complete the desired actions.

Down below is a comparison of email list building tools. Choose which one suits your business the best.

Email List Building Tools Comparison

Email List Build ToolsPrimary Email List Building featuresProsCons
RetainfulPopups, lead magnets, and referral programs1. Powerful E-commerce integration
2. Pocket-friendly pricing (starts from free and basic plan for $9)
1. A/B Testing is not available
2. Doesn’t provide Landing page creation
MailchimpAnalytics automation, lead magnets, landing pages, social media integration, and webinars1. A number of integration features
2. The interface is beginner-friendly
1. Limited mobile support
2. Pricing is slightly expensive for large email lists
HubspotLanding page creation and optimization, CTA Integration, Event management, Referral campaigns1. Accurate analytics and reports
2. Complete CRM and Marketing Automation
1. Adaptability might be complex for beginner users
2. Pricing doesn’t suit small-scale businesses
OptinmonsterLead generation and opt-in form creation with lead magnets creation, advanced customization1. A/B Testing
2. Efficient popup and form-creating tools
1. Focuses majorly on Lead generation
2. Requires integration with other email marketing tools for full-fledged usage
OmnisendBuilt-in forms, popups, landing pages, webinars, and incentives(discounts)1. Handy drag-and-drop editor
2. Clear Segmentation and Automation
1. The free plan has only limited options
2. High learning curve
KlaviyoA/B Testing, built-in forms, and other email list-capturing features1. Inclusive analytics
2. Powerful automation and segmentation
1. Slightly higher pricing
2. High learning curve
TypeformConditional logic and branching, online surveys and forms, detailed analytics, and more1. Interactive conversational forms
2. Better customization
3. User friendly UI
1. Not a full-potential email marketing tool
2. Limited for form and survey creation
3. Premium plan can be expensive
Constant ContactAuto-response features, advanced segmentation, reports and analytics, etc1. Convenient for small businesses
2. Range of templates
1. Basic automation features
2. Comparatively less advanced features
MailmunchPopups, lead generation, and automation features1. Easy to set-up
2. Better lead generation
3. Affordable price
1. Basic level automation
2. Less advanced features
SumoPopups, sign-up forms, etc, clear analytics and reports, A/B Testing, and more1. Easy to set-up
2. Effective list
building features
3. Strong ecommerce integration
1. Clunky interface
2. Basic email marketing features
GetResponseA/B Testing, landing page customizing, automated workflows, webinar hosting, etc1. Beginner friendly UI
2. Pocket-friendly pricing
1. Limitations with integrations
2. Less advanced CRM Tools

The above table explains these best email list-build tools. You can easily choose any of them and start building an email list now.

Next up are the best email list-building tools that are really capable of building a great email list and resulting in the growth of your business.

The 11 Best Email List Building Tools

  1. Retainful
  2. Mailchimp
  3. Hubspot
  4. OptinMonster
  5. Omnisend
  6. Klaviyo
  7. Typeform
  8. Get Response
  9. Constant Contact
  10. Mailmunch
  11. Sumo

1. Retainful

Retainful’s email list building tool

Retainful is the best email list building tool tailor-made for e-commerce. It allows you to capture email addresses by showing targeted popups/sign-up forms at the right time.

It comes with customizable pop-ups and opt-in forms that are very handy and much easier to customize with the drag-and-drop editor.

Retainful has timely triggers and pop-ups for every intent, which use triggers at the perfect time and can instantly collect email IDs.

Teasers are used in pop-ups that provide customers with only the necessary information and convert guests into loyal customers.

It can effectively maintain an email list, from building to updating and growing it.

Key Features

  • Timed pop-ups
  • Optimized for mobile usage
  • Precise Segmentation
  • Accurate targeting of both audience and timing
  • Popups for every intent
  • Beginner-friendly drag-and-drop editor
  • Teasers with accurate content that converts
  • Integrated welcome email series and more

With Retainful, you can handle all your email marketing needs in one place. Clear reports, analytics, timed popups, and other list building features allow you to grow your email list effortlessly.


  • Free plan is available
  • Essential – $9 /month
  • Starter – $19 /month
  • Growth – $49 /month

2. Mailchimp

Mailchimp’s email list build tool

Mailchimp is one of the best tools for building email lists on the market. It provides both E-mail and SMS marketing with its AI-powered features.

It has landing page customization, which can be used to collect emails quickly using personalization in them.

And comes with customizing popups and sign-up forms for capturing emails and building email lists.

Advanced segmentation helps you segment the audience into respective lists for better-targeted marketing.

Automation can effectively automate emails, popups, etc., and create better conversions. With A/B Testing, you can test different emails and decide which one to use for your campaigns, which increases engagement and conversions.

Key Features

  • Predictive Segmentation (Using data from customer’s shopping behavior)
  • Creative Assistant
  • Content Optimizer
  • Curated Analytics
  • Predicted Demographics
  • A/B Testing


  • Free plan is available
  • Essential – $13 /month
  • Standard – $20 /month
  • Premium – $350 /month

3. Hubspot

Hubspot’s email list building tool

Hubspot marks itself as another of the best email list-building tools. It is efficient and simple to use, and its AI-integrated features integrated with email list building make it easy to build an email list.

Customizable forms help you to get more leads, and the contact information feature stores detailed information about a customer and their interaction.

Like other list-building software, Hubspot also provides detailed performance, engagement, and analytics reports about the tool’s features and the customer.

This is a good-to-go solution for your problems with list-building campaigns.

Key Features

  • Built-in CRM and SEO tools
  • Suits both Email and Social Media Marketing
  • Sales Automation for performing repeated sales tasks
  • Suitable for small to large businesses
  • Free CRM
  • AI-assisted template and popup customization and building


  • Free plan is available
  • Starter – $30 /month or $240/year and save 33%
  • Professional – $1,781 /month or $19,201/year and save 10%
  • Enterprise – $5000 /month

4. Optinmonster

Optinmonster email list build tool

Optinmonster is specifically used for targeting which helps in creating email lists. It uses page-level targeting for better targeting and behavioral targeting to set pop-ups, slide-ins, gamify wheels, etc, at the right time.

It includes mobile-only forms, spin-the-wheel popups, and up to six campaign types to help you collect email addresses and build email lists.

Its campaign tracking provides real-time insights and data on customer behavior performance, making future optimization easier.

Key Features

  • Page level and Geolocation Targeting
  • Number of integration features
  • Exit intent technology
  • Gamified wheels, slide-ins, Full-screen welcome mats, etc.
  • Mobile usage
  • Powerful conversion features
  • Range of campaigns


  • Standard plan $49 /month
  • Optinmonster doesn’t provide free plans

5. Omnisend

Omnisend- email list building tool

Omnisend is another great solution for building and growing an email list. It provides easy drag-and-drop tools to customize and create your own templates, popups, etc.

Automations can also be customized to help create complex workflows based on customer’s business needs.

Dynamic segmenting updates the lists automatically from customer’s actions to manage the list effectively.

Gamified forms create more conversions, leading to increased recipients in the email list.

Key Features

  • Automatic Review collection and viewing from Google
  • Product recommender
  • Targeted Automation and Precise Targeting
  • Gamify and Multi-step forms
  • Fully customizable templates
  • Accurate Segmentation
  • Mobile phone optimized


  • Free plan is available
  • Standard – $16 /month
  • Pro – $59 /month

6. Klaviyo

Klaviyo- list building tool

Klaviyo is one of the popular list-building solutions that comes with various list-building solutions and supports email and SMS marketing.

Klaviyo has a range of templates built for each type of customization need (pop-ups, sign-up forms, flyouts, embedded forms, etc.) that suit your design.

With its precise targeting, it uses content obtained from real-time information about customer attributes and sends it to audiences of different lists.

Provides convenience with easy to use drag-and-drop editor along with custom reports generation for gaining more detailed insights.

It has powerful segmentation and automation features that help you easily set up automation workflows and send targeted email campaigns to your list segments.

Key Features

  • Behavior targeted Automation
  • Multiple E-commerce Integrations
  • Inclusive analytics and reports


  • Free plan is available
  • Emails only- $45 /month
  • Emails and SMS- $60 /month

7. Typeform

Typeform’s email list building tool

Typeform comes in our list as another best solution for email list building, as it has unique features.

One is it has logic and branching features. It decides whether to ask or pop the next question based on the previous question answered. Branching directs the visitors to specific paths based on their responses.

This feature can be helpful as it gets you the customer’s preferences in the beginning stage so you can provide content that converts the visitor to a customer.

Its other email-capturing features include template customization, integrations, a drag-and-drop builder, analytics and reports, mobile phone optimization, etc.

Key Features

  • Branching and Logical Conditioning
  • Real-time reports and analytics
  • Securing data(Data encryption)
  • Mobile phone friendly
  • Conversational interface for user engagement


  • Basic- $25 /month
  • Plus- $50 /month
  • Business- $83 /month
  • Enterprise- Contact sales for pricing

8. GetResponse

GetResponse email list building software

GetResponse comprises a conventional drag-and-drop editor and customizable list-building templates, popups, top bars, slide boxes, etc.

Provides a well-built A/B Testing feature for testing different forms and selecting the suitable ones for your list-building campaigns.

Page-level targeting helps reach the right audience by showing the right forms on the right page and triggering them at the most clickable moment.

Key Features

  • User-friendly UI
  • Versatile forms for every design need
  • Accurate Targeting


  • Email Marketing- ₹.1590.6 /month
  • Marketing Automation- ₹.4939.1 /month
  • Ecommerce Marketing- ₹.9962 /month
  • GetResponse Max- ₹.92002 /month

9. Constant Contact

Constant contact- lead generation tool

Constant Contact is much easier to use while customizing forms or popups with
its beginner-friendly drag-and-drop editor. It allows you to create forms in minutes for your website’s appearance.

Which comes together with its precise segmentation feature for targeting different audiences of each email list.

Key Features

  • Easy to Use
  • Polls and Surveys for improvising your email list building strategies
  • Robust features for list management


  • Lite- $12 /month
  • Standard- $35 /month
  • Premium- $80 /month

10. Mailmunch

Mailmunch- lead generation tool

Mailmunch provides effective targeting using triggers that display forms at the perfect time, and page-level targeting collects potential customers’ email IDs.

Exit intent technology snatches the visitors’ email ID at the last moment to build email lists easily.

Provides mobile-optimized service and easy-to-customize list building features (popups, forms, etc.), helping you create quick designs that fit your ecommerce store.

Key Features

  • Strong Ecommerce Integration
  • Affordable pricing
  • A/B Testing
  • Exit Intent popups


  • Premium- $13.99 /month
  • Another plan based on list size (excluding 1000 contacts)

11. Sumo

Sumo’s list-building tool

Sumo is another comprehensive list-building solution with page-level, behavioral, and geo targeting.

It uses heatmaps and scroll maps to track content analytics and identify customer engagement spots through clicks and scroll monitoring.

Other list building features include building forms and pop-ups, customizing forms, integrations, analytics, etc. With such features, it is considered a great lead-generation tool.

Key Features

  • A/B Testing
  • Deep Ecommerce integration
  • Curated analytics
  • Easy to use


  • Free plan is available
  • Starter- $15 /month
  • Plus- $25 /month
  • Pro- $49 /month

These 11 email list-building tools can help you build email lists the best way and grow them without any effort.

We’ll move on to learn what you should ensure before building a good email list.

6 Must-Do Ways To Create An Email List

Building an email list can be done in many ways, but you need to know the prior ways to create a well-built email list. Here are the ways.

1. Have Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are elements that are used to collect recipients’ email IDs. Examples include a newsletter, PDF or Guide, freebie, etc.

2. Maintain A Clean Email List

This is a must-follow method since it maintains a list with only active and qualified customers. To do this initially, add only verified users to your list and reject spam IDs.

Then, regularly check the recipients’ activities and account status, and clean your email list by removing inactive users to maintain a concise email list

3. Using Sign-up CTAs

CTA is a crucial element that can be used anywhere, i.e., in a website, blog, homepage, popups, etc. CTAs are primarily used for conversions, so never miss out on using a CTA.

4. Setting up Referral Programs

Referral programs are effective solutions for collecting several emails in an instant. This strategy indirectly engages more audience with the help of your audience itself.

5. Use Social Media To Have More Insights

Not just with email marketing, you can gain more insights from customers’ social media usage. Use a CRM tool to obtain clear data and analytics on customers’ behavior and interests.

6. Maintaining Privacy Policy

Use double opt-in forms to confirm explicit consent from customers to have their permission or confirmation to send them emails and other info.

By following these simple methods, your business can have a strong email list with only the right customers.

Grow Your Email List, And It Grows Your Business

This blog taught you how to build a well-built email list that supports your business and the steps for building and growing an email list.

Email list building tools are mandatory for every business, not only for just building and maintaining an email list but also for many other reasons that can help you to see some good business.

So have a well-built email list for your business using email list build tools.

Also Read

How to build an email list?

You can build an email list with the help of an email list building tool, and with the features in it,
1. Opt-in forms
2. Sign-ups
3. Physical forms collect in person

Can you build an email list for free?

Yes, there are email marketing tools that provide free pricing initially to some extent if the contact size exceeds, then you should upgrade your plan.

Can you build an email list without a website?

Of course, there are ways to build an email list without owning a website. You can use Social media, guest blog posts, referral programs, and personal contacts to build an email list.

How do I create an email list from nothing?

Following these steps helps you build an email list from scratch,
1. Making your Newsletter highly valuable
2. Use sign-up forms and popups to collect email IDs
3. By using lead magnets
4. Partnering up with other brands
5. Creating attractive landing pages
6. Use Social media, too

What is email list builder?

An email list builder collects and maintains numerous email IDs of recipients or customers gathered from pop-ups, sign-up forms, etc.

Are email lists still a thing?

Businesses used email lists to engage and communicate with potential audiences, and it is still in use by businesses, individuals and companies.

Is buying email lists worth it?

It is probably not a good idea to purchase an email list as there are other problems you might need to face, like false or spam IDs, the wrong audience, etc.

What are the disadvantages of mailing lists?

There aren’t any disadvantages in using email lists. The process might be hard or find, and reaching the right audience can be difficult, but email lists impacts your business more positively.

How do I create a valid email list?

To create a valid email list, you need to receive the customer’s consent implicitly or explicitly,
1. Use opt-in forms
2. Verify Emails in the list
3. Check and update the list regularly
4. Check email engagement

How can you build a high-quality email list?

1. Receive consent from customers at the beginning
2. Maintain a list of interested customers
3. Segment customers so you can personalize content

Picture of Dharnesh
It was then that I found my language was good, so I decided to improvise it in ways that I could. My interest in working on it got me here writing and posting content for ya’ll.