How to Write a Win Back Email?

Winning back a lost customer always becomes challenging. Few marketers focus on getting new leads and forget to engage the existing users. If you are the one among them, do not worry. You are not alone in this queue. This is why many eCommerce stores lose their users within a short span of time.

Win-back emails are a gift to those eCommerce stores. It helps you to get your customers back in all possible ways.

But, how? —You will get your answer in this blog. Let us get started.

How to Write a Win-Back Email?

A win-back email is no new term here. But are we on the right path? A win-back email must trigger the customer to come back to the store and engage in an action.

Though you have tried multiple marketing strategies to retain your customers, email marketing is one of the most effective strategies of all.

According to Marketingland, on average, 24% of those who received a win-back campaign read the first message, and 45% read a subsequent message. However, if you want good results, you must devote effort to creating a campaign rather than simply sending one or two emails.

Now, it’s time to look at how to write a win-back email. Here are the steps to automate your win-back emails to your customers.

  • Segment your Users List
  • Automate the Campaign
  • Analyze and improve

Segment your Users List

When it comes to segmentation, it depends on your exact business model. In the beginning, segment the audience who have shown peak interest in your brand and have a higher engagement rate.

You can establish more segments for average and below-average subscribers once you’ve created your initial segment — let’s name it the “highly inactive” segment. It’s worth noting that the outcomes of your win-back campaigns aimed at the latter groups will differ from those aimed at the former.

Automate the Campaign

Email marketing is always a boon to the eCommerce world. Automated email marketing has been the recent trend that saved many struggling eCommerce stores. With automated WordPress plugins, you can easily automate your win-back email campaign. Added to it, you can customize your emails beforehand.

Here are a few automated email tips that you can use later.

  • An initial email to “welcome”: You begin by reminding the subscriber or client of their previous action and how your brand has aided them in the past. You also recognize that they haven’t opened your emails in a long time or made a transaction.
  • Highlight your value proposition again in educational emails, detailing how your goods function, how they’ve changed, and what people can accomplish with them.
  • A “goodbye” email informs them that unless they expressly choose to continue receiving your emails, they will be removed from your list. This email is more appropriate for dormant subscribers rather than previous customers.

Now that you are aware of the tips, let us get into the automated win-back email campaign. You can split it into three times.

  • First Win-back Email
  • Second Win-back Email
  • Final Win-back Email

First Win-back Email

In your first email, you have to address that they have been a long-time customer of their store. You can also state the number of times they have indulged in purchasing with your store.

Come up with an attractive subject line that greatly helps in the open rate of your email. When readers scroll through their inboxes, the subject line is the first thing they see, and a good subject line can help you get a far higher open rate. It’s undoubtedly the most critical factor to think about while planning a comeback effort.

Here are a few other tips to keep in mind before framing your first win-back email.

  • You want to remind consumers of your brand and rebuild your relationship in your first email.
  • If you’ve made major changes to your services that these clients could benefit from, it’s a terrific place to start when reintroducing your brand.
  • Show them what they’re missing out on, whether it’s a new product feature, the most recent collection, or a new product line.
  • It’s fine if you don’t have any “breaking” news to report. Showcase your featured or best-selling products that they might be interested in.
  • Highlight an outstanding customer review to regain their trust and rekindle the flame.
  • Because they’ve been quiet, you might want to mention that you’re reaching out to them.

Your first email is an important factor that helps you to reach your customers after a gap. Curate it with confidence and attention. Do not pour out all your pros in a single mail. The customers may feel dumped.

Second Win-back Email

When the response rate for the previous email is not satisfactory, you can go ahead with the second win-back email.

  • If you’re having trouble obtaining traction, try making a special offer in your second email.
  • Everyone enjoys a good offer, so you should try to entice them. Your reward might be anything from a discount to free shipping to a free upgrade.
  • If you can attach your promotion to a key event, such as “here is your 6-month anniversary gift from us,” it will feel more customer-centric and encourage these people to participate.
  • Make sure to make an offer that will pique their interest. If they’re a current customer, you already have information about their preferences.
  • You may always try to add some urgency to your offer by making it time-limited. Make sure your CTAs aren’t overbearing.

Providing offers in the second win-back email strongly triggers the customers. Though they were not moved back by the email, the discount email has a high probability to get the customers back to the site.

Third Win-back Email

Why are they giving you the cold shoulder? Ask them where you went wrong. It may turn out to be something different than you anticipated, in which case you can address the problem in your next email.

There’s still hope if customers respond to this email! To solve their difficulties, send them an email or give them a call.

According to research, 92 percent of consumers in the United States would return to an online store even after a bad experience if,

  • An apology was received from a higher-up.
  • They were given a discount.
  • They were given evidence of improved customer service.

The amount of time between each email in a campaign isn’t as critical as having one at all. You can set a timer for your emails that ranges from one to seven days. You can put even more distance between yourself and the last email. Marketers who are targeting prior customers might send these emails for a much longer period of time.

Analyze and Improve

Monitor your metrics after you’ve set up your campaign.

Examine your open rates for dormant subscribers. Another statistic you can use is deliverability; however, it should be used as a backup.

Look at your checkout for inactive customers.

Wait a few days after your entire campaign has ended before deleting the subscribers if the unsubscription isn’t automatic. Although it may appear strange to erase your subscribers, keep in mind that it will save you money.

Customers who haven’t made a purchase in a long time could be sent to other ads that take a different strategy to re-engage them. After all, these are people who are already familiar with your business and may be interested in purchasing from it in the future (unless they have said otherwise).

Right Time to Send Win-Back Emails

There is no universal definition of a lapsed lead, and the best time to target inactive users is determined by your sales strategy.

When it comes to maximizing long-term engagement, knowing when to start your win-back cycle is crucial.

For example, you could track openings, clicks, and purchases to see how engaged your subscribers are. If your website offers relatively affordable things that clients buy regularly, opens or clicks might not be enough to consider a lead actor. On the other hand, when people click on to read their content, blog owners may be satisfied.

Benefits of win-back Email

After the discussion about the ways and the right time to send the win-back email, we are moving on to the benefits of Win-back emails.

Is it really necessary for every eCommerce store?

Yes, it is! Here are a few benefits of Win-back emails to your eCommerce store.

Cost-Effective Winback Email Campaigns

Did you realize that acquiring a new customer costs five times as much as keeping an old customer?

That’s correct! The most successful companies understand that keeping and gaining loyal clients is more vital than getting new ones.

The open rate of win-back emails is really high.

The average open rate for win-back emails, according to Klaviyo, is roughly 29%. According to a 2014 MarTech survey, 45 percent of subscribers who receive a win-back email are more inclined to read future emails from your organization. Given that many of these subscribers may not have interacted with your brand in a long time, this isn’t awful.

People are more likely to make repeat purchases when they receive win-back emails.

The goal of win-back emails is to convert your subscribers into loyal customers. They remind your subscribers why they were initially interested in your product/service and encourage them to purchase again. And, according to Privy, recurring clients are nine times more likely to convert than first-time purchasers and are 20% more profitable.

Things to Remember In Writing A win-back Email

Not all the win-back email hits success. Instead, few may not leave good results to the eCommerce store owners. In order to avoid those circumstances, you can keep the enlisted things in mind before writing a win-back email.

Maintain a personal touch

Generic sales emails are no longer sufficient. People disengage for a variety of reasons, so if you know why they’ve lost faith, address it. Show them products and services that you know they’ll be interested in.

Keep it brief

Because there is so much material clamoring for our attention these days, most of us have a relatively short attention span. The majority of us don’t want to read anything long from a vendor, especially one with whom we’ve lost contact. So, to make an immediate effect, attempt to cram a lot of punch into a few words.

Make them chuckle

People are more stressed than ever in these hard times. You’ve got their attention if you can make them grin or, better yet, laugh. Humor can be a powerful force, so if it fits your company, try incorporating it into your email marketing approach. People will link your organization and products with positive energy as a result of this.

Win back email examples

And, here comes the interesting part of the blog. Yes, as we have looked upon the concepts of Win-back emails, it is the right time to look out for the examples.

These win back email examples help you know more about the win-back emails and how smart are the other eCommerce store owners.

I would start with “Proven” among the other win back email examples.

Proven Win back email

In the email, you can see how well they have been targeting the customers. They interact with them through feedback. Once they get the feedback, they might understand what’s wrong with their store. The user might think about purchasing again in the store. So, they have also placed the link to their cart in this email.

Secondly, I would list the “Land’s End” Win back email example.

Lands end win back email

In their email, they are listing out the products or offers that the customers have missed recently. And, they are also inviting them for the further referral program with a discount coupon. Sounds cool, right?

And the final win back email example I would note is Bonsai.

Bonsai win back email example

In this email, they have been reminding their users that their account has been deactivated. And they are also giving an option to restore the account. Additionally, they are also triggering the customers to purchase products in their store. Hope it helps!


Win-back emails will almost certainly be an important element of your email marketing plan, as they will assist you in maintaining an organized email list of people who desire to receive your emails. You’ll save a lot of money and time (have we mentioned how annoying email deliverability issues are?).

If you’re not already sending win back emails, grab a bottle of your favorite beverage and go to work. You’ll be grateful that we pushed you to try them.

Picture of Monisha Thangavel
Monisha Thangavel
Monisha Thangavel is an ardent writer and a blogger carrying years of experience in different realms including eCommerce, Tech, and SEO. Her brevity rich writings flash a light upon the uncovered yet important points about WordPress and eCommerce plugins. Apart from content, Monisha spends her free time learning calligraphic writing.

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