
Integrate with your favorite app

Easily integrate with your preferred marketing and CRM tool and extend the capabilities of email automation and capture.

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Business Growth



Import your email list and sync orders easily.

Import your contacts from your ecommerce store through a CSV file. Sync your orders in real time to leverage data for precise segmentation.

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Integrate With Your Ecommerce Platform

Transfer email lists and synchronize all your customer data seamlessly.

How we delivered on our promises? Our customers say it best.

All revenue generated by Retainful is on-top revenue that would not exist without Retainful

Rafael Gonzalez

Managing Director at Fretlook


The main criteria we had when signing up for Retainful was to make sure it paid for itself, which it did almost immediately.

Nathan Hartnett

Owner of Mensringonline

MR Logo

With Retainful, we saw a 30% increase in sales within a month, while generally experiencing a 19-22% boost in conversion rates.

Norbert Muszkas

Owner of Tiashop

TIA shop

Without Retainful, I don’t believe we would have had the success we have had over the last 6 plus months.

Ryan Sinclair

Managing Director of Wonderdog


Thanks to Retainful, we’ve been able to capture over £4000 worth of abandoned carts, which is incredible.

Simon Charlton

Web Designer at All Earth Mineral Cosmetics

All earth

We are seeing an increased number of abandoned carts being recovered after using Retainful.

Jason Wilson

Partner at theessentialscompany

The essentials

Join 16,000+ ecommerce merchants increasing their revenue through Retainful.

Experience how Retainful simplifies full-cycle ecommerce email marketing firsthand.