
ROI Calculator

Calculate the Return on Investment for your email campaigns and know how profitable your current email marketing tool is.

    ROI Calculator

    Calculate the Return on Investment for your email campaigns and know how profitable your current email marketing tool is.


    Total Revenue


    Total Profit


    Revenue per Email


    Achieve your dream ROI with the most cost-effective email marketing software out there – Retainful.

    How to read the numbers?


    ROI reveals how much your email campaigns made. If your ROI is $50000, you get $500 for every dollar spent in return. 

    Total Profit

    This is the value of subtracting the Cost of the Email Marketing Campaign from the Total Revenue.

    Revenue per Email

    This is the value of how much you earned on each email. It is calculated by dividing the Total Sales and by Email Send Volume.

    Join 16,000+ ecommerce merchants increasing their revenue through Retainful.

    Experience how our email marketing software simplifies full-cycle ecommerce email marketing firsthand.